Economics School

Department of Statistics and Insurance Science


Date: 20/07/2023

The Practical Exercise Program (PEP) for the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science at the School of Economics, University of Western Macedonia, is designed to plan, execute, and implement student internships. This program aims to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired by students during their course of study in environments that are professionally relevant to their area of specialization.

The internships offered by the Department enable students to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, facilitating their transition into the workforce both in Greece and internationally. The program benefits students by making it easier for them to enter the labor market, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge practically, possibly continuing their work with the internship provider, utilizing funds for student benefits, choosing specializations based on the internship experience, and leveraging the curriculum’s advantages concerning current scientific trends.

Participation in the PEP is optional, counted as completing two courses with 10 ECTS credits, and noted in the diploma supplement.

Participation Criteria

Students eligible for the PEP must have completed their 6th semester and not have previously participated in the program.

Duration and Responsibilities

The internship typically lasts three months, mainly during summer (June, July, August), with the exact duration depending on the funding source. Students are entitled to one day off per month, which cannot be carried over. They are expected to work full business hours, adhere to workplace regulations, and perform tasks related to their field of study. A supervising faculty member from the Department will evaluate the student’s internship performance.

Internship Process

Internships can be carried out either abroad with Erasmus+ funding or within Greece with NSRF funding. The selection process involves an application, evaluation based on academic performance and social-economic criteria, and a matching process with internship providers.

Available Internships and Application Process

Internships are available through the “ATLAS” system, where students can search for and apply to various positions. The process involves submitting an online application, choosing preferred internship positions, and following procedures for evaluation and matching with internship providers.

Cooperation Protocol

Before starting, a cooperation protocol is signed among the student, the provider, and the Department. This agreement outlines the internship’s terms, ensuring educational and professional experiences relevant to the student’s field of study.

Completion of the Internship

Upon completing the internship, students submit required documents and receive an evaluation from their supervising faculty member. Successful completion is noted in their academic records, and students may receive a certificate of participation.

Annex – Useful Information

For NSRF-funded internships, students need a bank account for payment, an insurance number from IKA for accident coverage, a Social Security Registration Number (AMKA), and should adhere to specific procedures for documentation and registration.

This document outlines the structure, requirements, and benefits of participating in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science’s Practical Exercise Program, providing students with valuable professional experience in their field of study.

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